What to do in Kilimanjaro region

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What to do in Kilimanjaro region (VLOG included) Kilimanjaro offers many activities allowing you to integrate into local society and get to know Tanzania better. This article is full of funny experiences we gained when visiting waterfalls, a coffee farm, a local primary school or a lake lying at the Kenyan border. Follow our adventure…

3-day safari in Tanzania

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3-day safari in Tanzania Our trip to wonderful Tanzania lasted 15 days. We would like to share our experience and give you a few recommendations before your journey to this African empire.  The travel is divided into three articles in logical and /for us/ chronological order. In this article, we dedicate to Tanzanian safari. In…

8-day road trip in beautiful Slovakia

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8-day road trip in beautiful Slovakia Slovakia is a small European country which is commonly unknown to foreigners. We decided to travel across our homeland and spread photos, videos to inspire others to visit this beautiful country. In this article, we are sharing our 8-day itinerary and recommend places you should definitely visit. Day 1…

Winter adventure in Northern Norway

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Winter adventure in Northern Norway A complete guide for a trip to chase the Northern lights, sledge with huskies, feel the arctic winter and enjoy Nordic Christmas atmosphere.  Great tips and tricks on how to experience the biggest winter adventure for affordable price are undoubtedly included. We have been always dreaming to see the green…